as though it were a game 意味
- ゲーム感覚で
He committed murder as though it were a game. 彼はゲーム感覚で殺人をしてしまった。
- though though くせに 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい つつ 乍 ながら
- it it 其れ それ イット
- game 1game n. (1) 競技, 試合, ゲーム, 遊戯; 勝負事; 作戦, 手, 計略; 冗談; 《口語》 仕事, 職業. 【動詞+】 Will
- as though as though 言わんばかり いわんばかり 丸で まるで
- a game a game 一回 いっかい 一番 いちばん 一戦 いっせん
- remember as though it were yesterday 昨日{さくじつ}のことのように思い出す
- (behaving) outrageously as though there were no one around (behaving) outrageously as though there were no one around 傍若無人 ぼうじゃくぶじん
- to speak as though something were actually the case to speak as though something were actually the case 言い做す いいなす
- as though as though 言わんばかり いわんばかり 丸で まるで
- not as though ~な訳でもあるまいし It is not as if [though] you are going to be a burden staying with us. あなたが我々の家に泊まることが負担になる訳でもあるまいし
- though though くせに 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい つつ 乍 ながら
- as it were as it were 恰も あたかも 謂わば いわば
- if it were not for (現在の事実に反対の仮定を表して)もし~がなかったら If it were not for her children, I would ask her to marry me. 彼女に子どもがいなかったら、私は彼女に結婚を申し込むだろう。 The man may have been killed if it were not for the police intervention. 警察の介入
- were WERE {略} : where どこ◆インターネット
- were it not for wère it nót for ... ((文))=